Our Board
Our Board
Join an Inspiring Minds Committee
Fund Development Committee
Scope of work for this year includes working with our consultant to create a fund development plan for the organization. They also work on the plans for our annual fundraising appeal (fall), 401Gives (Spring), and an annual event- to be determined.
Contact Laura Hart, Chair for more information.
Strategic Planning and Programming Committee
Scope of work this year includes: reviewing progress to date on our strategic plan and strategizing opportunities for engagement and collaboration. This group will oversee the curriculum review of ResilientKids.
Contact Inspiring Minds for more information.
Finance Committee
Monthly reviews of the detailed financial reports for the organization.
Contact, Tammy Warner, Chair, for more information.
Audit Committee
Provide oversight to our annual audit and the financial accounting policies and procedures and ensure we are on point with our internal controls.
Contact, MaryAnn Shallcross Smith, Chair, for more information.